Another creative workshop. Here we worked in mixed groups again, talked about typical feasts in our countries - Christmas or Easter in the Czech Republic and ramadan or Independence day in Turkey. We prepared project posters and presented them to the other groups.

Henna night - traditions about Turkish marriages and a video-presentation of Antalya and Turkey and the activities of Euroteam Turkey, this was the second cultural evening.

This workshop was focused on seraching for similarities and differences between the Czech and Turkish culture and way of life.

Despite rain we took a walk in the village to learn more about the place where the project is being held and focused on traditions and village life.

Before coming to Řeka both teams prepared project posters about how they see their partners and presented them at the workshop. Then we discussed the prejudices and stereotypes.

For most participants this project was the first youth exchange in their life. During this activity they learned more about opportunities of the Erasmus+ programme and about Youthpass.

Traditional activity of a youth exchange - what are the participants afraid of at the beginning of the project and what are they looking forward to?


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

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